
This tool scales words and documents in the same space, finding the greatest dimensions of difference and disagreement between documents.

[How it works]

Display network between co-occuring words.    Link threshold [0 - 1]: 

By default, only the most common words will be used (not including dull words like "the","of", etc.)
You can also specify additional words to omit, or you can create your own list of words to look at.

Additional words to skip:


Only include these words:

By default, the top two dimensions will be plotted. You can also view other dimenions if you prefer.
(This might be out of curiosity, or because sometimes the first dimension picks up the junk, like html, names, or technical language irrelevant to content.)

X Axis: Dimension
Y Axis: Dimension

Please note that it may take a few minutes to upload and process your data.