Motifator Motifator

Paste a novel or other large piece of text in the text box, and motifator will find clusters of words that occur frequently together.
It's useful for finding themes, connected ideas, character qualities, parallels or motifs in a text -- though the interpretation is up to you.
Try it first with a text you know well, like Hamlet or The Great Gatsby, to get a sense for how it works.

[How it works]



    It may take a few seconds for a large text to appear in the box after you paste it.


Automatically skip very frequent words: Yes No
    Extremely common words lead to large word clusters, which can be harder to analyze.

Additional words to skip:

    For instance, if a major character name or common but uninteresting word appears in a too-large cluster, it might help to skip it.

Vicinity examined for nearby words: Close Medium Character
    Medium looks more broadly; "character" is biased for common words like character names; both may produce larger clusters.

Try Project Gutenberg for more books (it helps to omit the prefatory Gutenberg material when copying them).

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