
In this lesson we examine how data is imported, stored, and exported with R.


After completing this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Create and manipulate data frames.
  2. Import basic datasets such as csv files.
  3. Export datasets to csv format.


Lander, Chapters 5-6.

1 Data Frames

Data frames are like matrices, in that they store data in a rectangular format. Unlike matrices though, each column can be a different type of data (numbers, characters, dates, etc.). So data frames are the default way to store simple datasets in R.

Data frames can be created like matrices: the data.frame() function automatically cbinds vectors (of the same length) together into a data frame:

df1 <- data.frame(1:4,rep(3,4),c(2,4,1,5))
  X1.4 rep.3..4. c.2..4..1..5.
1    1         3             2
2    2         3             4
3    3         3             1
4    4         3             5

As you can see, it also gives column and row names. We can get the column names with:

[1] "X1.4"          "rep.3..4."     "c.2..4..1..5."

1.1 Columns

To change the column names, we just assign a vector of strings to the colnames function:

colnames(df1) <- c("c1","c2","c3")
  c1 c2 c3
1  1  3  2
2  2  3  4
3  3  3  1
4  4  3  5

To work with one of the columns, we use the $ to pick it out of the data frame:

ourcol <- df1$c1
[1] 1 2 3 4

ourcol is now a new vector with values taken from the first column of the data frame.

1.2 Subsets

We can also pull out subsets of the dataframe just as we did with matrices:

  c2 c3
2  3  4
3  3  1

or we can pull out the same using column names:

  c2 c3
2  3  4
3  3  1
What is df1[c(1,3),"c3"]?
2 1.
What is df1$c3[c(1,3)]?
Yup: 2 1.

1.3 Mixed types

Most importantly, data frames allow us to combine vector types:

df1 <- cbind(df1,c("truck","car","lettuce","porkchop"))
colnames(df1)[4] <- "things"
  c1 c2 c3   things
1  1  3  2    truck
2  2  3  4      car
3  3  3  1  lettuce
4  4  3  5 porkchop

To see the internal structure of our data frame, including what types the variables in it are, we can use the str function:

'data.frame':   4 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ c1    : int  1 2 3 4
 $ c2    : num  3 3 3 3
 $ c3    : num  2 4 1 5
 $ things: Factor w/ 4 levels "car","lettuce",..: 4 1 2 3

1.4 Editing

Using str we saw that our final column has been stored as a factor rather than as a character. To change it, we can use our earlier technique:

df1$things <- as.character(df1$things)
'data.frame':   4 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ c1    : int  1 2 3 4
 $ c2    : num  3 3 3 3
 $ c3    : num  2 4 1 5
 $ things: chr  "truck" "car" "lettuce" "porkchop"

RStudio also allows you to view certain rectangular datasets in a graphical manner that might be more familiar from other statistics programs:


You can even directly edit some data objects using


But this is strongly not recommended, since it leaves no record of what you have done. Much better to use textual commands to assign new values to your data.

2 Importing and Exporting Data

If we want to save our data frame to a text file, we can export it using the write.table function:


Here the first entry is the data frame name and the second entry is the name of the text file, which can include directory information, such as “/Users/nick/Desktop/testdata.csv”; a file without directory information is by default saved to your working directory.

The third option specifies that we don’t want an separate column for row names (which by default is just a column from 1 to N), and the fourth option sets the delimiter to put between each entry in the text file. A comma is standard (hence the name “comma-separated values” or the “.csv” suffix), but you may want something else if, for instance, you have a text column with commas in it.

2.1 Reading in a csv file

To read a text file with data in rectangular format into R, we do something similar:

newdf <- read.table(file="testdata.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  c1 c2 c3   things
1  1  3  2    truck
2  2  3  4      car
3  3  3  1  lettuce
4  4  3  5 porkchop

The header option tells R that the first row is the column names, and the stringsAsFactors option tells R to treat columns with text as text and not as factors (the default).

2.2 Reading data from the internet

To read in a file from the internet, the file name can simply be a URL.

landerfile <- read.table(file="http://www.jaredlander.com/data/Tomato%20First.csv",

To quickly check it, you can examine the first five lines using head:

  Round             Tomato Price      Source Sweet Acid Color Texture Overall
1     1         Simpson SM  3.99 Whole Foods   2.8  2.8   3.7     3.4     3.4
2     1  Tuttorosso (blue)  2.99     Pioneer   3.3  2.8   3.4     3.0     2.9
3     1 Tuttorosso (green)  0.99     Pioneer   2.8  2.6   3.3     2.8     2.9
4     1     La Fede SM DOP  3.99   Shop Rite   2.6  2.8   3.0     2.3     2.8
5     2       Cento SM DOP  5.49  D Agostino   3.3  3.1   2.9     2.8     3.1
6     2      Cento Organic  4.99  D Agostino   3.2  2.9   2.9     3.1     2.9
  Avg.of.Totals Total.of.Avg
1          16.1         16.1
2          15.3         15.3
3          14.3         14.3
4          13.4         13.4
5          14.4         15.2
6          15.5         15.1

2.3 Exercise

Google around and find a csv file somewhere online. Read it into R, and check it out with the head() and str() functions. Which variables look like they might have the wrong data type and would require recoding?

Some datasets also have a unwiedly number of columns to display.

How would you examine just the first 5 rows and first 5 columns?
landerfile[1:5,1:5] does the job.

2.4 Reading other data formats

R’s native format for storing data produces files that end with .RData. This format preserves variable types, can be used for matrices, data frames, or even complex lists, and is much more efficient than text files for reading and saving large datasets. To save and read such data files you simply run:

load(file="df1.RData", verbose=TRUE)
Loading objects:

The verbose=TRUE option allows you to see the name of what was loaded into R, otherwise it can sometimes be hard to know what was just loaded.

Often you will encounter data in other formats from other software systems. Some of the most popular statistical analysis platforms are SPSS (.spss), Stata (.dta), and SAS (.sas7bdat), which each have their own proprietary file formats just as R has .RData. There are a number of packages designed to read these file types, including the foreign package, but perhaps the most currently up-to-date package is haven, which part of a entire family of packages called “Tidyverse” originally created by Hadley Wickham. If you install the tidyverse package you get a vast array of packages and newer, more efficient methods for achieving many of the goals of data analysis, including haven.

So for instance, if you want to read a Stata .dta file you found, you would run something lke:

mystatafile <- read_dta("mtcars.dta")

One thing to bear in mind is that the Tidyverse has its own preferred data format, known as a tibble instead of Data Frames. You can convert a tibble into a data frame using as.data.frame().

One other common data format one encounters is Excel. These can often be opened in Excel and saved as a csv, but it is often easier (and preserves data types better) to just open an .xls or .xlsx file directly in R. The best package for doing this is readxl; after loading that package, you can read an excel file using:

myexcelfile <- read_excel("something.xlsx")

3 Lists

Lists are the most general-purpose data containers in R that we will be using. Lists can hold collections of almost any type of R object: variables, vectors, data frames, other lists, etc.

list1 <- list(1:5,newdf,3)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

  c1 c2 c3   things
1  1  3  2    truck
2  2  3  4      car
3  3  3  1  lettuce
4  4  3  5 porkchop

[1] 3

3.1 List structure

Note that the objects in a list are indexed with the double bracket [[ ]] and can be picked out that way:

[1] 3

In the above example, the [[1]] picks out the first object in the list (the vector 1:5) and the [3] picks out the third element in that vector (3).

[1] 4 1 5
What is list1[[2]][2:4,3] ?
4 1 5. That is, the second through fourth items in the third column of the second element in list1.

3.2 List naming

We haven’t given names to the three objects in list1, so currently they can only be picked out with numbers in [[ ]], just as a data frame without column names can only be identified with column numbers. The way to name objects in a list is much like that for a data frame:

names(list1) <- c("onetofive","df1","three")
[1] 3

Note that str() shows you the internal structures of lists just as it does for data frames or any other object.

List of 3
 $ onetofive: int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
 $ df1      :'data.frame':  4 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ c1    : int [1:4] 1 2 3 4
  ..$ c2    : int [1:4] 3 3 3 3
  ..$ c3    : int [1:4] 2 4 1 5
  ..$ things: chr [1:4] "truck" "car" "lettuce" "porkchop"
 $ three    : num 3

3.3 R’s internal data

Many R objects, including the outputs of many functions, are lists. All the objects in the workspace in R are stored as a list, and can be seen with

[1] "df1"        "landerfile" "list1"      "newdf"      "ourcol"    

This is also what the “Environment” pane in RStudio shows.

Since .Rdata essentially saves list objects, it is easy to save the entirety of your workspace as a (nameless) .Rdata file, which applications like RStudio do automatically:


To reload this file (which is just an invisible file named .Rdata) simply write:


Finally, to erase everything in your workspace, you can write:
